2021-2022 Blackburn Award Winners Announced

On Saturday, October 8, 2022 The Dayton Playhouse held its annual Blackburn Awards event to honor the volunteer artists, both performing and technical, that made our 2021-2022 Season such a success. The Bord of Directors of the Dayton Playhouse wishes to thank everyone who was involved in any and all of our productions, including actors, production crew, and front of house volunteers on performance dates. Your passion and commitment to theatre is was makes everything we do at the Dayton Playhouse possible. Be sure to join us June 10, 2023 as we honor the volunteers from the 2022-2023 Season!

Congratulations to the winners of Blackburn Awards of Excellence and Certificates of Achievement:

American Son

Blackburn Award of Excellence
Direction - Tim Rezash
Lead Role in a Play - Teresa Lynn
Ensemble Performance - Ensemble

Certificates of Achievement
Set Design/Construction - Jonathan Mayo, Sean Mayo
Lighting Design - Richard Lee Waldeck
Sound Design - Richard Lee Waldeck
Costume Design - Theresa Ankenman
Properties Design - Becky Howard Milligan
Lead Role in a Play - Robert Brumberg
Supporting Role in a Play - Nathan Evans
Supporting Role in a Play - Franklin Johnson

The Great Gatsby

Blackburn Award of Excellence
Lead Role in a Play - Brandon Shockney

Certificate of Achievement
Choreography - Tamar Fishbein
Costume Design - Theresa Ankenman
Lead Role in a Play - Dustin Schwab
Supporting Role in a Play - Oliva Ekler
Supporting Role in a Play - Katie Gainey-West

Into The Woods

Blackburn Awards of Excellence
Ensemble Performance - Ensemble
Lead Performance in a Musical - Adee McFarland
Lead Performance in a Musical - Kailey Yeakley

Certificates of Achievement
Direction - Tina McPhearson
Scenic Design - Sean Mayo
Lighting Design - Richard Lee Waldeck
Costume Design - Theresa Ankenman
Lead Role in a Musical - Dean Swann
Lead Role in a Musical - Laura Zelasko
Supporting Role in a Musical - Drew Roby
Supporting Role in a Musical - Elainah Skaroupka
Supporting Role in a Musical - David Potts

August: Osage County

Blackburn Award of Excellence
Direction - Jamison Meyer
Scenic Design - Sean Mayo
Ensemble Performance - Ensemble
Lead Role in a Play - Becky Howard
Lead Role in a Play - Mandy Shannon

Certificates of Achievement
Lighting Design - Michael Plaugher
Costume Design - Theresa Ankenman
Properties Design - Jamison Meyer
Supporting Role in a Play - Katie Gainey-West
Supporting Role in a Play - Christine E. Chait
Supporting Role in a Play - Dawn Roth Smith
Supporting Role in a Play - Brent Eresman
Supporting Role in a Play - Nathan Evans

Hello, Dolly!

Blackburn Awards of Excellence
Direction - Brian Sharp
Costume Design - Theresa Ankenman
Costume Design - John Faas
Costume Design - Anne Potter
Lead Role in a Musical - Tina McPhearson
Lead Role in a Musical - Chris Nelson
Lead Role in a Musical - Kevin Willardson
Lead Role in a Musical - Logan Richardson
Lead Role in a Musical - Hayley Penchoff

Certificates of Achievement
Music Direction - Ron Kindell
Vocal Direction - Tim Rezash
Set Design - Jonathan Sabo
Lighting Design - Richard Lee Waldeck
Sound Design - Bob Kovach
Properties Design - Rebekah Skaroupka
Ensemble Performance - Ensemble
Lead Role in a Musical - Ron Maurer
Supporting Role in a Musical - Alicia Walton
Supporting Role in a Musical - Tamar Fishbein
Supporting Role in a Musical - Chorus

Volunteer of the Year - Rebekah Skaroupka

Chair's Award for Service - Sean Mayo

Lifetime Member - Dan Hall

If you were unable to join us on October 8 for the Blackburn Awards, please contact us to arrange to pick up your award.


Presenting the Cast of ONCE ON THIS ISLAND


Dayton Playhouse is Seeking Scenic Designer