Playhouse Board plans live-on-stage FutureFest in 2022

At its February meeting the Board of Directors of the Dayton Playhouse decided to proceed with planning for FutureFest 2022 as an in-person, live theater festival to be held in July 2022.

"We have been gratified by the response of our artistic volunteers as well as our patrons to our current season since we returned to live theatre in September 2021," said Tina McPhearson, Artistic Director of the Dayton Playhouse, and Vice-Chair of the Board. "We hope that will continue for the remainder of our season, and into the Summer as FutureFest returns to our stage for the first time since 2019."

Said Board Chair Matt Lindsay, "We have navigated this season with thoughtful policies and practices, and we can expect that approach to continue. Current policies and practices could be continued, as well as possible new ones, as we keep our eyes on the evolving Covid pandemic."

FutureFest is a nationally recognized annual festival of new dramatic works, hosted by the Dayton Playhouse since 1991. The 2022 festival is scheduled for July 15-17, 2022. Finalist plays are scheduled for announcement by May. Information regarding auditions, Festival Passes, and individual performance tickets will be announced later in the Spring.


The Cast of HELLO, DOLLY!
